Leading the Parade at the Hazel Grove Carnival Fianna Phadraig Pipe Band proud to support local charity fundraiser
Welcome to our Help page. We hope it will help make your visit to the Fianna Phadraig Pipe Band website a more pleasurable one.

As problems are identified, we will add to this page. Please feel free to report any difficulties you come across when visiting our site.

Signing up to our website

You didn't receive the activation e-mail

Check your spam folder

If you don't receive the activation e-mail which is sent to you once you have signed up to our website, please check your "spam" or "undesirable mail" folder. If the activation e-mail is in your spam folder, you can copy it back into your inbox and click on the link to activate your account. You may also want to declare registration@fiannaphadraigpipeband.org as an approved sender. If authorised by your e-mail software, you may also want to approve our domain name fiannaphadraigpipeband.org as an approved sender, so that all e-mail sent to you by the band will reach your inbox, without getting stuck in your spam folder. (Rest assured, we won't be inundating you with e-mail, but it would be nice to know that you do actually get the occasional e-mail we send to you!)

Fill in the "Resend activation e-mail" form

If you still can't find the activation e-mail, the next step is to open the "Resend activation e-mail" form and enter your e-mail address. If the address you enter is a valid, registered e-mail address, the activation e-mail will be sent to you again. Please note that you must enter the e-mail address you used to sign up to our website.

You will find a link to the "Resend activation e-mail" form in the menu bar on the left-hand side of the page, under the headling "Member area".

If all else fails...

If, after the above two steps, you still don't receive the activation e-mail, please contact us using the Contact form, stating your name, e-mail address and, if possible, a phone number at which we can contact you. We will provide as much assistance as possible to help you sign up to our website.

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